Tuesday, August 30, 2005
On sunday, i had the sudden urge to flip through our "FOREVER" album. It was really nice. Hahaha. reminded of the crazy times when we were in the NCC rooms. JZEE lied that she had taken some photography as her NYAA, i actually believed. WHY DIDNT U ALL CALL ME TO WORK WITH YOU GUYS MAN! the four of us always stay together, ok, in the end we did. haha. HEY SADIST! we have actually done something.

ZEE. Hong kong how. my dad discovered this hong kong trip for 5 dayfor $600. Lodging included one day trip to disney land. the rest of the days are all ours. great yeah!!!
you asking what's the flow?}
Monday, August 29, 2005
remember the "you fu" show starring Christopher lee as the main character? in that show, two of his friends, his friend s wife, his friend s wife s friend, and his friend mother all have cancer. the message: one in four Singaporeans gets cancer and about twenty people get diagnosed with cancer everyday. (Or maybe Christopher lee is just jinxed)
Conclusion: we are all going to die of cancer.
because since the number of pple getting cancer is rising, than by the time we are adults, two in four Singaporeans will get cancer and by our children’s time, four out of four will probably get cancer too. ok lah... give discount. three out of four.
now isnt that comforting? :)
maybe some of us should migrate and leave this cancerous place and maybe shou lian can finally get her wish and marry some middle aged, balding angmoh.
*disclaimer: emigration is not a prescribed medical method in the prevention of cancer.
you asking what's the flow?}
Sunday, August 28, 2005
I was in 6 G i was taught by MDM POH! not MDM yeo. i think it should be 6P lah... i am so bored.i have made this generalisation about love relationships during my visit to Orchard yesterday.
X + Y=XY (somehow although its not mathematically correct)
But X + X does not = to 2X they remain X + X
Cute guys go with cute singaporean girls
Handsome guys go with average of slightly below average singaporean girls
Hot Girls mostly end up with average ang moh guys
Hot ang moh guys would choose their own blood
Ang moh love phillippinnos ( is that how u spell it)
To have a higher chance of asians marrying an ang moh is to go overseas to study.
Ugly girls usually get married with their first bf, afraid that they will lose them and remain a bachelorette.
Hot girls may have many hot BF during their teengae days, but in the end they wold somehow marry an average singaporean ( which is rather bad).
Gays are handsome looking.
Butches are actually quite pretty.
Bi sexuals are normally chio.
Most people who are crooked during their teenage lives would naturally become straight after they get older and when they meet a person who truly captures their heart.
So which category am i in? Or are you in.
-gay fan-
you asking what's the flow?}
Saturday, August 27, 2005
hey my pretty darlings =)
talking about debts ah................ shou... you owe me an incredulous amount of money...., i can't remember how much you owe me liao, but it has definitely accumulated to about $50 or more k....
and simone~~ if you are reading this..., you owe me money too =)
aiyah, shou, my blog is dead lah, don't need to talk about it =), you all gonna have holidays soon ah...? i'm gonna have to start serious mugging... promos are 70% and there is no study week, so it's like once they finish the syllabus, it's the promos...
oh yeah, you all know about mdm yeo's passing right... i can't help but feel sad man. i wasn't even taught by her, but still feel sad. heard about the stories about her, and how she used to make people stand in one corner, make them pinch their ears and do squats.=S and the class of 6g or something... in sec 4 they made a box of notes and letters for her, and wanted to give it to her last year during teachers day, but she was not in school that day... now they got no chance to pass it to her ever....
$h!te, this is sad lah
some things i've learnt :
1) always be kiasu, better safe than sorry
2) do what you've always wanted to do asap, if not it'll be too late (*hint shou, one day we must make our 'one-day' plans come true)
3) it's hard to forget memories (most of the time), so make those memories good =)
love you all leh....miss your hugs and *ahem* body contact
see y'all around babes
you asking what's the flow?}
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Why are blogs always filled up with hate entries?!?! they never end!! oh well, its ok. right now i have nothing much to hate except a few things.. although its pretty natural, i dont really like her. Max ( not her real name), sometimes she really gets onto my nerves. not all the time. ok hate entry done! i really have nothing much to say man. Life has been ok. I am trying pretty hard to do well, ok i know its not hard enough. Actually ah, this blog is suppose to be a secret! why the whole world know man. haha. i mean its ok. just that you pple have to keep the contents secret. Hmmm yellow umbrella has not been doing well. Not much updates, not much of activity here. okok i have something to ask!
1. When is sadist coming to house to play tennis, climb bukit timah hill, watch movie, cycling and the list carries on....
2. Jasmine, are you still keen on going to hong kong???? Like if you are, maybe when our holiday starts, we can go to the NASA fair on the holidays one and take a look. Amanda and charmaine are not going.
3. Can we have a platoon gathering one day? during dec i think. haha. still quite long.
4. I feel like going sentosa, jas wanna go when our hols starts. I can call lui and charmaine they all.
5. I ought to meet up with jas to pass her the "rejected" poster.
6. Jasmine, when you meet me, pls prepare 15 bucks you owe me money!
7. Amanda, Stop collecting dust on your blog. Change the name to collection of entries.
Ok thats about it.
-gay fan-
you asking what's the flow?}
Saturday, August 20, 2005
zzzzzzzzzzzz, hehehe, no updates, nothing to say though :P
reeally nice to see you all that day on national day... thought one of us would have blogged about it, but... :P
oh well, how's life man~~ i've got exams coming up, my promos!!! it's totally crazy lah, the weightage is like 70%!!!!!! the recent term exam(ok not so recent anymore) is only 5%!! study so hard for a blo0dy 5%?!?!?!?!?!?! well... i think it's kind of good in a way... everyone did quite badly in it...
i'm gonna be a hard core mugger!! must mug at least 1 hour a day... that's a lot considering that i only have 6 hours conscious time at home each day....
kk, g2g, update more yea?
love you all
you asking what's the flow?}

you asking what's the flow?}
Friday, August 19, 2005
"There only a few yards away, in a circle of dried blood,lay the body of a Chinese woman, naked except where the clothes had been pulled up round her head. She had been split cleanly from abdomen to breast with what must have been a single stroke, and the flesh had been peeled back from exposure to the hot sun. White maggots were crawling over the bones, and, head downwards the tiny skeleton of a baby was whitening inside the pelvis."
Excerpt from You'll Die in Singapore by Charles McCormac about the atrocities he witnessed as a British POW in Singapore druing the Japanese Occupation.
you asking what's the flow?}
Thursday, August 18, 2005
you asking what's the flow?}
&trend setter
Buch of fellas looking for one day to come
One Day...
Travel the world
conquer mt kilimanjaro
UK (scotland is a must)
new zealand
sky dive
sailing round the artic circle
Visit, New York, New York
*so far accomplished none*
We pledge our souls to the yellow umbrella,
to remain faithful forever.
In rain or shine,
we shall use this umbrella as our shelter,our home.
Till the day the yellow umbrella fades away,
we will always remain gay and loyal to the clan.
&dates to remember
your calendar.
october 1st
mina's birthday. :D
put birthdays or whatever here! :D
redundant box
Cascada Everytime We Touch
Kelly Clarkson Addicted
Lindsay Lohan Ultimate (You)
Simple Plan Vacation
The Cheetah Girls Cinderella
&dudes and dudettes
&do not rip